Wednesday 15 April 2015

Sarah Sarfaraz: On Staying Fit & Healthy

"I try to shun fatty food from my diet."

Sarah Sarfaraz is no new name in the fashion industry. In a short time, she has managed to make her mark through selected, high quality work, something not all models can boast of. But what many of us might not know is that this young lady has an MBA and is actually working in the HR department of a multinational company.
I recently caught up to her to ask how she manages to stay so fit and healthy with such a crazy routine.

"I don't believe in crash diets; healthy eating habits should be a part of your lifestyle and that leads to a good health and physique that's long lasting."

The Diet

Breakfast: My morning starts with 2 boiled eggs or cereal with milk and honey with a cup of tea/coffee.

Lunch: If I'm working, I order grilled chicken from Rotisserie or chicken tikka. If I’m home, I eat whatever my mom cooks. She's health conscious herself so she makes sure the food she cooks is healthy.

Dinner: My dinner time is usually with my sister (Sana Sarfaraz) which is mostly a sandwich from Subway. We eat noodles sometimes or K n Ns easy cook meals like nuggets, seekh kabab, shami kabab. When I'm dining out with friends I eat everything because it's difficult to resist good food at all times *guilty as charged* ;-) but I make sure that I keep a check on the quantity I indulge in. I try to eat less if I'm eating something fattening. If you know you are going to attend a wedding or dine out, have a light lunch and it will balance out.

The kickass duo, Sarah Sarfaraz with younger sister Sanah Sarfaraz

 The Exercise Regime

 I eat my supplements prescribed by doctor so that my body gets the nourishment it needs. Physical activity and exercise has immediate and long term health benefits. Most importantly regular activity improves your quality of life. My workout time is my ME time. I try to workout at least thrice a week. I'm not a morning person so I workout in the evenings.

My exercise routine includes running, sprint, skipping, squats, burpees, lunges, sit-ups and many more exercises that not only target my problem areas but increases my stamina and make me stronger. I keep a stopwatch with me during the workout so I can evaluate my progress.

I recently got into crossfit and I'm loving it!  It's a unique combination of strengthening and cardio exercises. The best thing about it is we do it in a park where you can breathe the fresh air and be close to the nature. No gym, boring machines or treadmill. I start with my stretch routine which has made me very flexible over a period of time. I prefer targeted workout routine so that you can target and burn fat from your trouble spots only because I believe a girl should maintain her curves.

"I don't work out to become skinny, I workout to become strong"

This girl doesn't only have a healthy physical routine but also a healthy set on ideal! Wishing her many more years of health and happiness! xoxo